Sunday, June 28, 2015

Movie Review: "Below Dreams"

Joel Potrykus' Buzzard might be the best commentary on and representation of the post #OWS generation of slackers / slacktivists. The lead character Marty scavenges and scrounges around his domain and that of others, scamming and stealing anything and everything with a misguided and misinterpreted sense of entitlement. You COULD pull some kind of conservative Republican message from the film - just blame the rich for all of your problems, why don'tcha - IF it all weren't a self criticism with a humorous and protective bent. We're self absorbed and going nowhere but DAMMIT we are who we are! Then again, that could also be taken as a depressing and dangerous self assessment of our own worth...

... not that "our" covers ALL of "us"...